Mostrando mensajes de Troma.3250:

Pactos entre servidores, competiciĆ³n adulterada

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250


Yes Zhondercat, i perfectly understand you example, but here is the simple explanation: as i asked total neutrality to all vs commanders, some choosed to help Jade Sea, some choosed to attack them. You witnessed the commanders who wanted to help them i’m think. I’m sure of it. Some VS commanders come from JS or have friends here… few people, but it sure exist.

But i swear, no global focus/help intended or planned. Focus was intended on SFR yes but you never. No reason. We like sIN, our friends of RUN (run members have Grand Cross founders in it), the cool Warforgis guys etc.

Have a good night, see ya later

Vizunah alliance Leader

Pactos entre servidores, competiciĆ³n adulterada

in WvW

Posted by: Troma.3250



i understand spanish but i can’t write it. All this paranoia going on a alliance between Jade and Vizu is totally, TOTALLY insane. We did not have even an alliance with piken, we just focused SFR and they hit them hard too. With a close score like this, how can you even imagine an alliance between us?

Was taken middle week, and it was all this all week long. Do you imagine what a real alliance could make on baruch?

did you know that french servers are always fighting each others because of old rivalty?

on this screen, i asked VS commanders to play like they want, no focus at all.

And even if we wanted to make an alliance with JS (for what? we were already winning du to bigger coverage and orga), a lot of VS player/commander wouldn’t at all.

VS people on JS teamspeack heh? you have a proof for this? totaly imaginated. Like people saying we had canadians on VS, you are imaginating things. It’s very frustrating.

Baruch, i truly like you. But stop being paranos, god. Please.

Vizunah alliance Leader

(Editado el por Troma.3250)